By Migration |
SEPTEMBER 13, 2011
* = resolutions to be voted upon at this meeting
A. Roll Call
B. Flag Salute
C. Open Public Meetings Act Statement
D. Communications:
1. Letter from Robin Raffaele, English teacher at Burnet Middle School requesting maternity and unpaid family leave for the period October 31, 2011 through January 13, 2012.
2. Letter of resignation from Joseph Hrdina, teacher assistant at Union High School, effective immediately.
3. Letter of resignation from Anthony DiGiovanni, social studies teacher at Union High School, effective immediately.
4. Correspondence from Mary Mobley concerning Central-Five/Jefferson School project.
5. Letter of resignation from Kara Fleming, remediation teacher at Hannah Caldwell School, effective immediately.
6. Letter of resignation from Jamie L. Barca, special education teacher assistant, effective immediately.
7. Letter of resignation from Kathleen Gulino, kindergarten teacher at Livingston School, effective immediately.
8. Letter from Christina Shahid, AAP Teacher at Franklin School, requesting unpaid family leave for the period September 1st through January 1st, 2012.
E. Approval of Minutes:
1. Worksession – June 14, 2011
2. Regular Meeting – June 21, 2011
F. Comments from the Public on *Resolutions Only
E. Education/Student Discipline Resolutions:
E-1. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given to amend the 2011-2012 Out-of-District Atypical Student Placement, Exit Lists and tuitions in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve School Safety and Security Plan Review Checklist in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the first week of October be designated as “Respect Week” in conjunction with the new Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy passed by the Board.
E-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the Middle School Academy to take place in Burnet Middle School and Kawameeh Middle School over the course of forty (40) school days from October 7th through December 9th, 2011. The morning class and the afternoon class of the Academy at each school will meet 20 times. The cost of the Academy will be $60 per student, and this will be paid by each student’s parent/guardian. There will be no financial expense for this program to the school district.
*E-5. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given for one (1) student to be allowed to complete the 2011-2012 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
H. Fiscal and Planning Committee Resolutions:
F-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the Treasurer’s Reports dated August 31st, 2011 be accepted.
F-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the Secretary’s Reports dated August 31st, 2011 be accepted.
F-3. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(d), I certify that as of August 31st, 2011 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8 and 18:22-8.1.
___________________________ _ __________
James J. Damato, Board Secretary Dated
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(e), we certify that as of August 31st, 2011 after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator and Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.
F-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve line item transfers in accordance with the copy in the hands of each board member.
F-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve contracts and/or purchase orders pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5 and 18A:18A-10(a) and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve districtwide travel and related expenses pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7 and Board Policy File Code 6471 and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board pre-approve districtwide student field trip destinations and purposes pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve attached list of contracts and/or purchases pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(21) in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member:
(a) Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc. - $3,477 – materials and rights for fall play - UHS
F-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board accept FY12 NCLB (No Child Left Behind) funds from the NJ Department of Education as follows and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member:
Title I: $ 831,811
Title IIA: 208,683
Title IID: 0
Title III: 47,972
Title III Immigrant: 0
Title IV: 0
TOTAL $1,088,466
F-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve approve reimbursement to board members for expenses incurred incurred for mandatory criminal background checks.
F-11. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Program at the ARC Kohler School and authorizing the ARC Kohler School to include cost of meals provided in the annual tuition rate in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-12. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept Nonpublic School Textbook entitlement as follows:
Holy Spirit School $ 11,047
St. Michael’s School $ 16,961
Total $ 28,008
F-13. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept Nonpublic School Nursing entitlement as follows:
Holy Spirit School $ 15,779
St. Michael’s School $ 24,228
Total $ 40,007
F-14. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept the allocation for Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2012 (IDEA) as follows: (a) Basic - $1,806,456 and (b) Preschool - $55,093
1. Budgeting Additional State Aid – letter from State of NJ attached
I. Operations Committee Resolutions:
O-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept donation from Township of Union Education Foundation of greenhouse to be installed at Union High School in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve submittal of application for use of swimming facility at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Union County, Inc., 1050 Jeanette Avenue, Union, New Jersey by Union High School Coed Swim Team for the period November 15th, 2011 through February 24th, 2012 at a fee of $10,500 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (There is no increase in rental fee from 2010-2011 school year.)
O-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve updated School Health Standing Orders to be added to the Medical Service Handbook in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Lumber Supplies (Bid #12-03) for the 2011-2012 school year as follows:
Tulnoy Lumber $ 3,166.78
Feldman Lumber $ 3,616.88
TOTAL BID $ 6,783.66
O-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Technical Occupations Supplies (Bid #12-04) for the 2011-2012 school year as follows:
Kelvin Electronics $ 218.80
Midwest Technology $ 879.19
RSR Electronics $ 3,470.04
Brodhead Garrett $ 2,701.35
Dick Blick $ 1,237.06
TOTAL BID $ 8,506.44
O-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Vocational Supplies (Bid #12-17) for the 2011-2012 school year to Markertek in the total bid amount of $9,523.60.
*O-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Information for Authorized Provider Agreement with the American Red Cross in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*O-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept donation from Franklin School PTA of playground equipment and installation costs in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*O-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve transportation agreement between Union Board of Education and Y.M.C.A. for aftercare at Hannah Caldwell Elementary School in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
1. Bus security – should the district construct gates to secure bus parking lots?
2. Field security
3. High School/Hamilton intercom system – should the district purchase an updated intercom system?
4. Use of Cooke Memorial Field by the Springfield Public Schools for four (4) high school football games – see attached
J. Personnel Committee Resolutions:
*P-1. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that personnel actions be approved in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-2. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve substitutes and home instructors, substitute custodians, substitute cafeteria/playground aids, classroom assistants and secretaries, substitute bus drivers and bus assistants for the 2010-2011 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-3. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board add and approve the following staff members to the Athletic Event Staff List for the 2011-2012 school year: (a) Kristin Alvarez (b) Heather Dube (c) Lester Lembryk (d) Matt Melody (e) Scott Messler (f) Michael Pielech (g) Rob Sumner (h) Jobina Rivera and (i) Cesar Vega
P-4. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board reappoint the following residency investigators for the period September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 at a rate of $20 per hour not to exceed 70 hours per month or $1400: (a) Maria Schmitdberg; (b) Anthony Martino; (c) Thomas Sheridan. (Rate is the same as for 2010-2011 school year)
P-5. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Education, Inc., 2 Main Street, Unit 2, Plymouth, Massachusetts to provide bedside instruction for district students on an “as needed” basis for the period September 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 at the hourly rate of $49 per hour not to exceed $10,000 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct No. 7693/11-150-100-320-01-19)
P-6. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Curriculum Writing Teams at a rate of $20 per hour not to exceed 15 hours or $300 per person: (a) Social Studies – Grade 5 – Monica Dec and Jennifer Wahlers; (b) Social Studies – Kindergarten – Barbara Juarez, Carolyn Schefter and Heidi Millan;(c) Band – Grade 4 and 5 – Dave Braham and Charles Dettmar; (d) Chorus – Grade 3 and 4 – Nanci Schoenberger and Jenny Lau; (e) Vocal Music – Grade K-2 – Nanci Schoenberger and Jenny Lau; (f) General Music – Grade 3 and 4 – Nanci Schoenberger and Jenny Lau; (g) Group Lessons (Music) – Grade 5 – Dave Braham; (h) Orchestra – Grade 4 and 5 – Dave Braham and Charles Dettmar
P-7. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve job description for Substitute School Security Officer in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-8. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend list of Cafeteria/Playground Assistants for the 2011-2012 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-9. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board accept letters of resignation from the following staff: (a) Joseph Hrdina, teacher assistant at Union High School, effective immediately; (b) Anthony DiGiovanni, social studies teacher at Union High School, effective immediately; (c) Kara Fleming, remediation teacher at Hannah Caldwell Elementary School, effective immediately; (d) Kathleen Gulino, kindergarten teacher at Livingston School, effective immediately; (e) Jamie L. Barca, special education teacher assistant, effective immediately;(f) Lori Koman, teacher at Battle Hill School, effective immediately
P-10. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve maternity and unpaid family leave for Robin Raffaele, English teacher at Burnet Middle School for the period October 31, 2011 through January 13, 2012.
P-11. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve unpaid family leave for Christina Shahid, AAP teacher at Franklin Elementary School, for the period September 1, 2011 through January 1, 2012.
*P-12. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the following positions be established and posted in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member: (a) Uniform Laundry Service Person and (b) Concussion Assessor and Administrator
P-13. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Brian Kaufman, School Psychologist/ District Behaviorist, to coordinate ABA home programming at a rate of $100 per hour not to exceed $1000 per month for the 2011-2012 school year. This salary will be funded through the IDEA FY12 Grant.
K. Approval of Bills
The committee recommends and I so move that the Board concur with the bills listed in the permanent bound register appended to these minutes and be ordered for payment.
L. Unfinished Business
M. New Business
N. Comments from the Public
O. Adjournment ___________ p.m.
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