E-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board amend out of district atypical student lists and tuitions for the 2013-2014 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-2. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given to amend the list of students removed from the rolls [three (3) students exited from March 1, 2014 through March 31, 2014 or a total of twenty-four (24) students for the 2013-20134school year] who are not domiciled in this school district in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board affirm the Superintendent’s resolution of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) conclusions for the period March 8, 2014 through April 5, 2014.
E-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board allow children of staff members to attend Union Public Schools for the 2014-2015 school year at no charge: (a) K.M. – 9th grade at Union High School.
E-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve joint transportation service agreement with Sussex County Regional Cooperative for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the following course proposals for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member: (a) Accelerated Math - Grade 5-6 at Jefferson School, Burnet Middle School and Kawameeh Middle School; (b) Applications of Algebra II at Union HIgh School; (c) English Electives (Full Year Courses) - EN501 - Creative Writing, Grades 11 and 12, EN502 - Journalism, Grades 10, 11 and 12, EN350 - SAT Prep, Grade 11; (d) English Electives (Half Year Courses) EN503S - Public Speaking, Grades 10, 11 and 12, EN504S - College Writing, Grades 11 and 12, EN505S - The Graphic Novel, Grades 10, 11 and 12, EN506S - Holocaust and Genocide Literature (second half of the year) and EN507S - Young Adult Literature, Grades 10, 11 and 12.
E-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve 2014-2015 calendars in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
1. Principal Moses - fundraising for Edison School
I. Fiscal and Planning Committee
F-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the Secretary’s Report dated March 31, 2014 be accepted.
F-3. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a), I certify that as of March 31, 2014 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8 and 18:22-8.1.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.2(h), we certify that as of March 31, 2014 after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appro-priations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.2(d)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator and Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.
F-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve line item transfers in accordance with the copy in the hands of each board member.
F-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve the following contracts and/or purchase orders pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5 and 18A:18A-10(a) and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve attached list of contracts and/or purchases pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(21) in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member: (a) Mayfair Farms- not to exceed $60,000 – 2014 Senior Prom –Union High School; (b) Cherry Dale Farms – not to exceed $4,500 – football team fundraiser – Union High School Athletics; (c) Metro Fundraising - $4,072.90 – Student Council fundraiser – Kawameeh Middle School; (d) Yankee Candle Fundraising - $1130 - Key Club fundraiser - Union High School; (e) Gertrude Hawk Chocolates - $5,022.46 - chorus/band fundraiser - Union High School; (f) Audio Incorporated - $5,375 - audio rental for Miss Saigon - Union High School; (g) Costume World Consolidated - $8,949.80 - costume rental for Miss Saigon- Union High School; (h) World Stage - $8,500 - lighting rental for Miss Saigon - Union High School; (i ) Gogashi Designs - $1650 - Printing of baseball advertisement booklet - Union High School Athletics; (j) Festivals of Music - $3,789 – Music in the Parks field trip – Burnet Middle School; (k) Villani Bus Company - $2,880 – Music in the Parks field trip – Burnet Middle School; (l) Vision Wear International - $1,183.93 - Heritage Festival t-shirts - Kawameeh Middle School
F-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve district wide travel and related expenses pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7 and Board Policy File Code 6471 and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*F-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board preapprove district wide student field trip destinations and purposes pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board authorize the Superintendent and the Business Administrator to implement the 2014-2015 school budget and tax levy pursuant to local and state policies.
F-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board renew the following petty cash fund for the 2014-2015 school year:
Fund Amt Expend Res. Ind. Report Period VoucherForm End of Fiscal Year
Sec'y $500 $500 J.Damato Annual Board Unused sum returned to Gen. Fund
F-11. The committee recommends and I so move that the board authorize the School Business Administrator or Board Secretary to approve purchase orders not exceeding $36,000 in the aggregate, without advertising for formal bids and without prior approval of the Board. The Board requires a minimum of two (2) competitive quotations in such cases and payment to the applicable vendor shall be approved on the bills and claims. The bid threshold may be awarded without soliciting competitive quotations in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-37.
F-12. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept the following donations: (a) Lifetouch National School Studios - $715.14 for use by Livingston School
F-13. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the following Senior Scholarship Award amounts for 2014 Union High School graduates: (a) Dora D. Feins Achievement Awards Fund for graduating student who will be in a college or specialized vocational program - $100; (b) Dora D. Feins Achievement Awards Fund - $80 for two plaques to deserving students; (c) Myrtle V. Hassey Awards Fund - $100 for two $50 awards to deserving students; (d) Bob O’Dell Scholarship Fund - $1,500 to one deserving student; (e) Geraldine Minieri Memorial Scholarship Fund- Two (2) $250 awards to deserving students who intend to further their education; (f) Ellen S. Rever Memorial Scholarship Fund – Four (4) $500 awards to deserving students; (g) Jack Segale Memorial Award – Two (2) $250 awards – one to a male and one to a female who ran track or cross-country and will continue their education and exhibit dedication to the sport and the will to win; and (h) Anna Zofay Slobodianyk Memorial Fund – Two (2) $500 awards – one presented to a senior student for excellence in Business and one presented to a senior student for excellence in Math; (i)Margaret Fekete Fund - Two (2) $5,000 awards to the college of two students chosen based on the criteria set forth by the Margaret Fekete Trust
F-14. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve submission of FY 2014 IDEA Grant Amendment 1 to allocate the $14,645 unexpended nonpublic funds from the FY2013 IDEA Basic Grant.
*F-15. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approves the submission of grant application for the 2014 Safety Grant Program through the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group's ERIC NORTH subfund for the purposes described in the application in the amount of $43,711 for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
J. Operations Committee
O-1. Report receipt of bids received on March 27, 2014 for Science Supplies (Bid #15-01) for the 2014-2015 school year; Vocational Lumber (Bid #15-02) for the 2014-2015 school year; receipt of bids received on April 3, 2014 for Vocational Supplies (Bid#15-03) for the 2014-2015 school year; Tech Occupations Supplies (Bid#15-04) for the 2014-2015 school year; Family/Consumer Science Supplies (Bid #15-05) for the 2014-2015 school year.
O-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve advertisement for disposal of equipment which is deemed no longer serviceable in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-3. The committee recommends and I so move that pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:41-1 and P.L. 2009, Chapter 178, the board approve the following security drill reports and bus evacuation drill reports in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:27-11.2 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*O-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve resolution "authorizing execution and delivery of the Grant Agreement" in connection with Electrical Upgrades at Union Senior High School; DOE Project # 5290-050-14-1001; SDA Project # 5290-050-14-G2SX; Grant # G5-5913; Total Project Cost - $1,846,615; Grant Amount $738,646.
*O-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve delegation of authority to School Business Administrator for supervision of the School Facilities Project - Electrical Upgrades at Union Senior High School; DOE Project # 5290-050-14-1001; SDA Project # 5290-050-14-G2SX; Grant # G5-5913; Total Project Cost - $1,846,615; Grant Amount - $738,646.
*O-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve resolution "authorizing execution and delivery of the Grant Agreement" in connection with HVAC Upgrades at Washington Elementary School; DOE Project #5290-140-14-1002; SDA Project # 5290-140-14-G2SY; Grant # G5-5914; Total Project Cost - $1,232,395; Grant Amount - $492,958
*O-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve delegation of authority to School Business Administrator for supervision of the School Facilities Project - HVAC Upgrades at Washington Elementary School; DOE Project #5290-140-14-1002; SDA Project # 5290-140-14-G2SY; Grant # G5-5914; Total Project Cost - $1,232,395; Grant Amount - $492,958
*O-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Cooperative Pricing Agreement with Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*O-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept proposal from Omega Environmental Services, Inc., 280 Huyler Street, South Hackensack, New Jersey to provide environmental case file closeout at Hannah Caldwell Elementary School in an amount not to exceed $7,400 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
K. Personnel Committee
*P-1. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that Personnel Actions be approved in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*P-2. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the Board amend Substitute/Home Instruction List; Substitute Custodians, Substitute Cafeteria/Playground aides, Teacher Assistants and Secretaries for the 2013-2014 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-3. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve leaves for the following staff: (a) Latesha Jenkins, School Social Worker at Union High School change unpaid family leave dates to the period March 24 through June 13, 2014; (b) Jennifer Duggan, special education teacher at Battle Hill School to extend unpaid family leave through the end of the 2013-2014 school year; (c) Jillian Semon, math teacher at Burnet Middle School for extended child rearing leave for the entire 2014-2015 school year; (d) Lauren Weissberg, School Counselor at Union High School to extend unpaid family leave through June 24, 2014; (e) Jamie Raczynski, teacher at Hannah Caldwell School, extended child rearing leave for the entire 2014-2015 school year; (f) Genevieve Reis, ten month secretary at Union High School extended medical leave through May 12, 2014; (g) Tara Wisiak, School Psychologist at Kawameeh Middle School, maternity and unpaid family leave for the period June 2, 2014 through October 14, 2014; (h) Maura Golding, teacher at Jefferson School, family and child rearing leave for the period January 16, 2014 through May 30, 2014; Erica Santiago, Speech/Language specialist at Burnet Middle School for the period March 31, 2014 through the end of the 2013-2014 school year
P-4. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board accept letters of resignation from the following staff: (a) Shaquana Hall, part time bus assistant, effective March 18, 2014; (b) Shaniquah Street, part time bus assistant, effective March 20, 2014; (c) Kimberly Tisdale, 10-month secretary at Franklin School, effective April 25, 2014
P-5. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Curriculum Writing Teams in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-6. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Engagement and Fee Agreement with Jackson Lewis, Attorneys at Law, 220 Headquarters Plaza, Morristown, New Jersey in connection with the matter of D.C. (Allied World Claim No. 2014004711 in an amount not to exceed $25,000 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-7. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve ACES (Assessments Counseling and Education Services) 147 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 307, Florham Park, NJ 07932 to provide evaluations on Deaf and Hard of Hearing students at a rate of $900 per evaluation not to exceed $3600 for the 2013-2014 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct #11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-8. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve increase of Purchase Order #14-01229 for Cross County Clinical Ed. Services from $4,950 to $7,625 an increase of $2,675 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-9. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Dr. Brian Kaufman to present para-professional training at a rate of $40 per hour not to exceed 2 hours or $80 for preparation and not to exceed ten (10) hours at $40 per hour or $400 for presentation for the 2013-2014 school year. (Acct #11-000-223-110-01-19)
P-10. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve the following staff to provide presentations on the VB-MAPP Assessment to district staff during the 2013-2014 school year at a rate of $40 per hour plus $40 per hour for preparation, not to exceed $240 per presenter: (a) Brian Kaufman, (b) Alexia Moriello and (c) Lisa Cassano. (Acct #11-000-223-110-01-19)
P-11. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Joanne Timpano, District Occupational Therapist, to provide presentations on Assistive Technology to district staff during the 2013-2014 school year at a rate of $40 per hour plus $40 per hour for preparation, not to exceed $480. (Acct #11-000-223-110-01-19)
P-12. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Child Development Center, 703 Main Street, Paterson, NJ to perform neurodevelopmental evaluations at a rate of $400 per evaluation, not to exceed $4000 for the 2013-2014 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct #11-000-219-320-01-19)
L. Policy Committee
POL-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Policy File Codes 6000 - Instruction in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
M. Grievance/Negotiations Committee
G-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Memorandum of Agreement with the Union Township Association of School Administrators in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
G-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve settlement agreement in connection with Grievance HS-13-12 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
N. Approval of Bills
The committee recommends and I so move that the board concur with the bills listed in the permanent bound register appended to these minutes and be ordered for payment.
O. Unfinished Business
P. New Business
Q. Comments from the Public
R. Adjournment ______ p.m.