A. Roll Call
B. Flag Salute
C. Open Public Meetings Act Statement
D. Approval of Minutes
1. Public Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting - April 29, 2014
2. Executive Session - April 29, 2014
3. Worksession - May 13, 2014
4. Executive Session - May 13, 2014
E. Communication:
1. Letter of resignation from Joan Ridder, cafeteria/playground assistant effective May 13, 2014.
2. Request to change dates of maternity leave from Tara Wisiak, School Psychologist, from June 2 through June 27 to May 12 through the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
3. Request for extended unpaid family leave from Erin Christenson, kindergarten teacher at Battle Hill School through October 31, 2014.
4. Request from Union Recreation Department for use of 54 passenger school bus and one bus driver for the period June 30 through August 8, 2014 to transport 4th and 5th grader to different camps and exhibits.
5. Request from Stephanie Whitehead, math teacher at Burnet Middle School, for maternity and unpaid family leave for the period June 1 through October 31, 2014.
6. Request for maternity, unpaid family leave and extended child rearing leave from Jill Rible, art teacher at Connecticut Farms School, for the period September 3, 2014 through March 28, 2015.
7. Request for extension of maternity and unpaid family leave from Courtney McCarthy, kindergarten teacher at Franklin School , for the period June 2 through the end of the 2013-2014 school year.
8. Request for maternity and unpaid family leave from Jennifer Reiser, social studies teacher at Burnet Middle School, for the period September 1 through December 17, 2014.
9. Letter of resignation from Jessica Esposito, special education teacher at Burnet Middle School, effective July 1, 2014.
10. Request from James J. Masterson, Executive Director of Chamber of Commerce, for use of Union High School facilities for 4th annual Mayor's Day 5K Run which is scheduled on Saturday, September 20, 2014.
11. Request for extension of child rearing leave from Krystal Galante, teacher at Battle Hill School, for the period September 1, 2014 through January 5, 2015.
12. Letter of resignation from Edward Graf, social studies teacher at Kawameeh Middle School, effective July 1, 2014.
13. Request from Joseph Canarelli on behalf of the Union Township Historical Society for use of parking lot and lavatories at Connecticut Farms School and buses to transport re-enactors on October 18, 2014 for the re-enactment of the Battle of Connecticut Farms.
14. Letter of resignation from Rosemarie Toscano, secretary to the visual and performing arts department, effective July 1, 2014.
15. Letter of resignation for the purpose of retirement from Joseph P. Russell, head custodian at Hannah Caldwell School, effective December 31, 2014
F. Presentation by Sarah Bridges from Aramark to discuss breakfast program and new child nutrition requirements for 2014-2015 school year.
G. Superintendent's Report
H. Comments from the Public on *Resolutions on the Agenda
I. Education/Student Discipline Committee
E-1. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given to amend the 2013-2014 Out-of-District Atypical Student Placement/Exit Lists and tuitions and approve 2014-2015 Out-of-District Atypical Student Placement/Exit Lists and tuitions in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-2. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given to amend the list of students removed from the rolls [three (3) exited from May 1 through May 31, 2014 for a total of forty-eight (48) students exited during the 2013-2014 school year] who are not domiciled in this school district in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board affirm the Superintendent's resolution of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) conclusions for the period May 13 through June 17, 2014.
E-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board adopt the following: (a) 2014-2015 Teacher Evaluation Rubric - Teachscape and (b) 2014-2015 Principal Evaluation Rubric - MPPR/MLPR in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-18.5, approve the district students attending The Arc Kohler School, 1137 Globe Avenue, Mountainside, New Jersey be provided meals at no charge and in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-4.5(a)20 authorizes The Arc Kohler School to include costs of meals provided within the annual tuition rate charged in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve membership in New Jersey State Interscholastic Association for the 2014-2015 school year for an annual fee of $2,150 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve 2014-2015 Special Education Tuition Contract Agreement with Union County Educational Services Commission in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-8. The committee recommends and I so move that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-A-18.5 Green Brook Academy, 151 Vosseller Avenue, Bound Brook, New Jersey not be required to apply for and receive funding from the Child Nutrition Program and Green Brook Academy not be required to charge district students for reduced and/or paid meals the board for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-9. The committee recommends and I so move that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-A-18.5 Center School, 580 Old York Road, Branchburg, New Jersey not be required to apply for and receive funding from the Child Nutrition Program and Center School not be required to charge district students for reduced and/or paid meals the board for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Three Year Curriculum Review Cycle (2013-2016) in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-11. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve formal resolution to be presented to students listed who have exhibited an enthusiasm for reading, sharing books, reading independently and for a variety of purposes, as well as using school and/or public libraries in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-12. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve School Lunch prices for the 2014-2015 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-13 The committee recommends and I so move that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-A-18.5 The Gramon Family of Schools, 277 Fairfield Road, Fairfield, New Jersey not be required to apply for and receive funding from the Child Nutrition Program and Center School not be required to charge district students for reduced and/or paid meals the board for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-14. The committee recommends and I so move that the board adopt curriculum for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-15. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the elimination of the Multiple Disabilities class at Kawameeh Middle School for the 2014-2015 school year as there is no longer a need to service students at that age group in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-16. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the establishment of a Learning/Language Disabilities, mild/moderate class at Kawameeh Middle School for the school year 2014-2015, as there is a need to service students at that age group, in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-17. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the establishment of InClass Replacement program - WL142I - ICR at Union Senior High School, effective September 4, 2014 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
1. Middle School 7th grade honors pilot program
J. Fiscal/Planning Committee
F-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the Treasurer's Report dated May 31, 2014 be accepted.
F-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the Secretary's Report dated May 31, 2014 be accepted.
F-3. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a), I certify that as of May 31, 2014 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8 and 18A:22-8.1.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.2(h), we certify that as of May 31, 2014 after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator and Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.
F-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve line item transfers in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve attached list of contracts and/or purchase orders pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5 and 18A:18A-10(a) in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve districtwide travel and related expenses pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12 and N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7 and Board Policy File Code 6471 and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve attached list of contracts and/or purchases pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(21) in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member: (a) Forest Lodge, LLC - not to exceed $5,000 - balance due for 8th grade trip - Kawameeh Middle School; (b) A.P. Program - $19,350 - payment for A.P. exams - Union High School; (c) Oak Hall Industries, L.P. - $11,590.25 - payment for 2014 graduating class caps and gowns - Union High School; (d) Township of Union Board of Education - $1,035 - transportation for May 27th field trip (National Honor Society) - Union High School; (e) Villani Bus Company - $1,150 - transportation for 6/4/14 field trip - Union High School
F-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the board pre-approve districtwide student field trip destinations and purchases for the 2014-2015 school year pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve 2014-2015 Purchasing Manual in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve payment schedule for the 2014-2015 Tax Levy in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-11. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board accept FY15 ESEA-NCLB allocations from the New Jersey Department of Education as follows: Title I-A - $739,030; Title IIA - $184,192; Title III - $49,097 for a total of $972,319.
O-1. Report receipt of bids received on May 20, 2014 for Music Instruments for the 2014-2015 school year (Bid#15-10); Music Instrument Repairs for the 2014-2015 school year (Bid#15-11); Piano Tuning and Repairs for the 2014-2015 school year (Bid#15-12); Art Supplies for the 2014-2015 school year (Bid#15-13) and bids received on May 29, 2014 for Student Transportation Services (Bid#15-14)
O-2. The committee recommends and I so move that pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:41-1 and P.L. 2009, Chapter 178 and N.J.A.C. 6A:27-11.2 the board approve security drill reports and bus evacuation reports in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board adopt Interlocal Services Agreement with the Township of Union for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve change order #1 from Silva's Mechanical Services, Inc., 171 Midland Avenue, Kearny, New Jersey for Boiler Replacements at Burnet Middle School - refund of unused contingency in the amount of $48,198.70 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Student Transportation Services (Bid#15-14) to Villani Bus Company, 811 East Linden Avenue, Linden, New Jersey in accordance with the fee schedule in the hands of each board member.
O-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award the following bids: Musical Instruments (Bid #15-10) to K&S Music in the total bid amount of $4,540; Musical Instrument Repair (Bid#15-11) to K&S Music at a rate of $15 per hour, not to exceed 855 hours or $12,825 and Piano Tuning/Repairs (Bid #15-12) to Glenn Paulsen at a rate of $40 per hour, not to exceed 315 hours or $12,600.
O-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve use of Union High School facilities for Chamber of Commerce 4th Annual Mayor's Day 5K Run on Saturday, September 20, 2014.
O-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve resolution in support of Township of Union's submission of grant application to New Jersey Department of Transportation's 2014 Safe Routes to School Program for the Township of Union School Accessibility Project in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve advertisement for disposal of equipment that is deemed no longer serviceable in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Music Supplies for the 2014-2015 school year (Bid #15-06) to Music & Arts Centers, 4626 Wedgewood Boulevard, Frederick, MD 21703 in the total bid amount of $1,926.68.
O-11. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given to participate in a non-binding cooperative purchasing bid with Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission, 1660 Stelton Road, Piscataway, NJ for telecommunication services in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*O-12. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Annual Temporary Facility Approvals for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
1. Request from Union Recreation Department for use of 54 passenger bus and one bus driver for the period June 30 through August 8, 2014 for summer camp program.
2. Request from Union Township Historical Society for use of parking lot and lavatories at Connecticut Farms School as well as request to supply school buses to transport re-enactors in connection with re-enactment of Battle of Connecticut Farms.
L. Personnel Committee
P-1. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve personnel actions in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-2. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend substitute lists in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-3. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board accept letters of resignation from the following staff: (a) Joan Ridder, cafeteria/playground assistant, effective May 13, 2014; (b) Jessica Esposito, special education teacher at Burnet Middle School, effective July 1, 2014; (c) Edward Graf, social studies teacher at Kawameeh Middle School, effective July 1, 2014; (d) Rosemarie Toscano, secretary to the visual and performing arts department, effective July 1, 2014; (e) Joseph P. Russell, head custodian at Hannah Caldwell School, effective January 1 2015 (retirement)
P-4. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board appoint Thomas Wiggins, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds as ADA/Facility Coordinator, IPM Coordinator and AHERA designated person, for the 2014-2015 school year at no cost to the district.
P-5. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Donna Hubbard to attend, record and transcribe the minutes of Residency Committee meetings as assigned for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 at a rate of $250 per meeting.
P-6. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that approval be given to appoint police for pre and post graduation building and grounds security and graduation security at an hourly rate of $25 per hour per patrolman and $27.50 per hour for supervisor.
P-7. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve curriculum writing teams at a rate of $20 per hour not to exceed 15 hours or $300 per person in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-8. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board accept proposal to provide technical services from Promedia Technical Services, Inc., 535 U.S. Highway 46 East, Little Falls, New Jersey at a rate of $140 per hour for regular technical servicing and $200 per hour for emergency, overtime and holiday technical servicing, not to exceed 200 hours for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-9. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board appoint Gregory A. Tatum, as Affirmative Action Officer; Edward Gibbons as Assistant Affirmative Action Officer and Benjamin Kloc as Affirmative Action Officer for classroom practices for the 2014-2015 school year at no cost to the District.
P-10. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve payment to staff as graduation monitors at a rate of $58 per person and security monitors at a rate of $22 per hour for 8 hours, not to exceed $176 for graduation on June 27,2014 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-11. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve the following leaves for staff members: (a) Tara Wisiak, School Psychologist, change in maternity leave dates from June 2 through June 27 2014 to from May 12 through the end of the 2013-2014 school year; (b) Erin Christenson, kindergarten teacher at Battle Hill School, extend unpaid family leave through October 31, 2014; (c) Stephanie Whitehead, math teacher at Burnet Middle School, maternity and unpaid family leave for the period June 1 through October 31, 2014; (d) Jill Ribel, art teacher at Connecticut Farms School, maternity and unpaid family leave for the period September 3, 2014 through February 28, 2015; (e) Courtney McCarthy, kindergarten teacher at Franklin School, extension of maternity and unpaid family leave for the period June 2 through the end of the 2013-2014 school year; (f) Jennifer Reiser, social studies teacher at Burnet Middle School, maternity and unpaid family leave for the period September 1 through December 17, 2014; (g) Krystal Galante, teacher at Battle Hill School, extension of child rearing leave for the period September 1, 2014 through January 5 2015
P-12. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Rodriguez Nativo, LLC, 114 Cornell Avenue, Rahway, New Jersey to provide sign language interpreting for parent conferences and school activities at a rate of $175 for every two hours not to exceed $2,750 for the 2014-2015 school year.
P-13. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Laurie Parnau, district nurse, to review new student Summer 2014 registrations at a rate of $38.25 per hour not to exceed 95 hours or $3,633.75.
P-14. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve payment to John Shaffer for printing services during the 2014-2015 school year at a rate of $30 per hour.
P-15. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Summer 2014 IT staff at a rate of $16 per hour not to exceed 350 hours per person or $5,600 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member: (a) Mark D'Aloia (b) Eric Churus (c) William Eichert (d) Carlos Esquivel (e) James Frazier (f) James Mosser (g) Joanna Riley (h) Michael Riley (i) Lucille Williams and (j) Craig Wojcik
P-16. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve list of staff whose salaries are funded in part through the district's NCLB FY15 grant in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-17. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve 2% rate increase for the 2014-2015 school year for part time accounting staff in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-18. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9-6.5c, the board approve Waiver Application in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-19. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Melissa Osborne-Karmin to provide home instruction to district students during the 2013-2014 school year at a rate of $38.25 per hour. (Acct.#11-150-100-101-96-19-SS19)
P-20. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve New Jersey Specialized Child Study Team (Katzenbach School for the Deaf) to provide partial Evaluations Package at the rate of $1350; Individual Evaluations at the rate of $400 per evaluation , not to exceed $4,500 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct.#11-000-219-0320-01-19)
P-21. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve ACES (Assessments Counseling and Education Services), 47 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 307, Florham Park, NJ to provide evaluations on deaf and hard of hearing students at a rate of $900 per evaluation, not to exceed $3,600 for the 21014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hand of each board member. (Acct.#11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-22. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Occupational Center of New Jersey, 31 Cox Street, Roselle, NJ to perform vocational assessments at a rate of $100 per day, not to exceed $5,000 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct.#11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-23. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Mountain Lakes Public School (Lake Drive Program) to provide complete audiologic assessments at a rate of $600 per evaluation. Children under the age of five (5) or those who demonstrate developmental delays and/or cognitive limitations will require the use of a second audiologist for testing. When necessary, these evaluations will incur an additional fee of $150, not to exceed $3,000 for the 2014-2015 school year (Acct.#11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-24. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve inlingua , 98 Summit Avenue, Summit, NJ to provide translation and interpretation services not to exceed $3,000 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct. # 11-000-216-320-01-19)
P-25. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve ATC (Around the Clock) Healthcare Services, Inc., 25393 Network Place, Chicago, Illinois to provide nursing services at a rate of $35 an hour for LPN and $38.49 for RN, not to exceed $150,000 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct.# 11-000-216-320-01-19)
P-26. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Jewish Vocational Services to provide vocational evaluation at a rate of $850 per evaluation and community-based assessments at a rate of $60 per hour not to exceed $5,200 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct.#11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-27. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Cerebral Palsy of North Jersey, 220 South Orange Avenue, Suite 300, Livingston, NJ to perform assistive technology or augmentative and alternative communication assessments at a rate of $750 per assessment or $1200 for a combined assessment not to exceed $3,000 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct #11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-28. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Union County Educational Services Commission, 45 Cardinal Drive, Westfield, NJ to provide psychological, educational and/or social worker evaluations at a rate of $350 per evaluation not to exceed $5,250 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct. #11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-29. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Union County Educational Services Commission, 45 Cardinal Drive, Westfield, NJ to provide teacher of the deaf services at a rate of $110 per hour not to exceed $30,000 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct.# 11-000-216-320-01-19)
P-30. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve AssistiveTek, 174 Stephensburg Road, Port Murray, NJ to provide assistive technology evaluations with report at a rate of $1,025 per evaluation not to exceed $3,075 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct.# 11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-31. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Delta-T Group, One Woodbridge Center, Suite 330, Woodbridge, NJ to provide nursing services at a rate of $41.75 for an RN and $33 per hour for LPN, not to exceed $15,000 for the 2014-2015 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Acct 11-000-216-320-01-19)
P-32. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend list of staff to perform Summer 2014 Extended School and related services in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-33. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve 2014-2015 Athletic Event Staff Fees and 2014-2015 recommended Officials' Fee Scale for athletic events in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
*P-34. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board adopt Director of Human Resources Job Description in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
M. Approval of Bills
The Committee recommends and I so move that the Board concur with the bills listed in the permanent bound register appended to these minutes and be ordered for payment.
N. Unfinished Business
O. New Business
P. Comments from the Public
Q. Adjournment ________________ p.m.