JULY 17, 2012
A. Roll Call
B. Flag Salute
C. Open Public Meetings Act Statement
D. Fill Board Member Vacancy
E. Communications:
1. Request for unpaid family leave from Roseanne Borges, mathematics teacher at Union High School, for the period September 1 through October 15, 2012.
2. Request for maternity and unpaid family leave from Shannon Durak, physical education teacher at Burnet Middle School, for the period September 1 through December 2, 2012.
3. Letter of resignation from Lauren A. Thomas, special education teacher at Union High School, effective July 1, 2012.
4. Letter of resignation from Jenica Martin, cafeteria/playground assistant, effective June 19, 2012.
5. Correspondence from Union Panthers, a traveling basketball team, requesting fee waiver for use of Burnet Middle School gym on Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. from July 18 through August 10, 2012.
6. Letter of resignation from Brian Chapman, special education teacher at Union High School, effective July 1, 2012.
7. Request for maternity and family leaves from Fatima DeCorte, guidance counselor at Union High School, for the period September 7, 2012 through January 1, 2013.
8. Letter of resignation from Christine DiGena, teacher at Hannah Caldwell Elementary School, effective July 1, 2012.
F. Approval of Minutes
1. Minutes of Regular Meeting – July 19, 2011
2. Executive Session – June 19, 2012
3. Minutes of Regular Meeting – June 19, 2012
4. Minutes of Special Meeting – May 24, 2012
G. Superintendent’s Report
H. Comments from the Public on Resolutions on the Agenda
I. Education/Student Discipline Committee
E-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve 2012-2013 Out-of-District Atypical Student Placement and tuitions in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-2. The committee recommends and I so move that approval be given to amend the list of students removed from the rolls [two (2) students exited from June 1st through June 30th 2012 for a total of forty-five (45) students for the 2011-2012 school year] who are not domiciled in this school district in accordance with the information appended to the nonpublic portion of these minutes.
E-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the establishment of a Behavioral Disabilities class at Burnet Middle School effective September 6, 2012 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve the elimination of a Behavioral Disabilities class at Kawameeh Middle School effective September 6, 2012 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Summer 2012 Summer Educational Program contract with Union County Educational Services Commission in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member and recorded in the nonpublic portion of these minutes.
E-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board amend list of students attending Union County Vocational/Technical High School for the 2012-2013 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member and recorded in the nonpublic portion of these minutes.
E-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Fall 2012 Middle School Academy at Burnet and Kawameeh Middle Schools from October 10, 2012 through November 7, 2012. Students enrolled in the Academy will attend additional before and after school classes and an overnight field trip to Salem, Massachusetts on November 7 and 8, 2012 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. The enrollment fee for the Academy is $160 per student and all middle school students are invited to enroll. Funds supporting the Academy will not come from the general funds of the Township of Union Public Schools.
E-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve amended school calendar for the 2012-2013 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
E-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Community Service Program to begin at Union High School during the 2012-2013 school year. Beginning with current freshman and sophomore students will be required to complete twenty (20) hours of community service during their high school years to be eligible to participate in their high school graduation ceremony in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
J. Fiscal and Planning Committee
F-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the Treasurer’s Report dated June 30, 2012 be accepted.
F-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the Secretary’s Report dated June 30, 2012 be accepted.
F-3. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(d), I certify that as of June 30, 2012 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8 and 18:22-8.1.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(e), we certify that as of June 30, 2012 after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriate section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator and Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.
F-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve the following contracts and/or purchase orders pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5 and 18A:18A-10(a) and in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids for various school needs for the 2012-2013 school year.
F-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve line item transfers in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board pre-approve districtwide student field trip destinations and purposes pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-5.8 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
F-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board approve districtwide travel and related expenses pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12, N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7 and Board Policy File Code 6471 and in accordance with the information appended to these minutes.
F-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board accept the following donations: (a) $987.17 from Lifetouch National School Studios for use by Washington Elementary School; (b) $1,358.75 from Lifetouch National School Studios for use by Hannah Caldwell Elementary School
F-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve increase of the following purchase order due to costs associated with additional bedside instruction for district students (Acct No. 7693/11-150-100-320-01-19): (a) P.O. #12-01790 to Professional Ed. Services, Inc., 34 So. Delsea Drive, Glassboro, NJ from $6,000 to $7546 an increase of $1546; (b) P.O. #12-00760 to Union County Educational Services Commission from $20,000 to $25,051 an increase of $5,051.
F-11. The committee recommends and I so move that the Board amend following scholarship amount which was given to graduating seniors at Union High School Class of 2012 as follows: Ellen S. Rever Memorial Scholarship Fund from $1,500 to $2,000. (Resolution F-14 was approved at the May 8, 2012 meeting – see attached)
F-12. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve attached list of contracts and/or purchases pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5(21) in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member: (a) Costa del Sol - $7,974.75 – payment for Senior Picnic – Union High School; (b) Taylor Publishing Company - $20,909.52 – Final payment for 2012 yearbook – Union High School
K. Operations Committee
O-1. Report of bids received on June 12, 2012 for Musical Instruments for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid # 13-12); report bids received on July 5, 2012 for Grease Trap Maintenance for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid # 13-14); for Fire Extinguisher Service/Inspection for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-15); for Fire Alarm, Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler Systems Inspection for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-16); for Boiler/Burner Cleaning/Service/Repair for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-17)
O-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve contracts for Before care and After care services for the 2012-2013 school year with the Y.M.C.A. of Eastern Union County, 135 Madison Avenue, Elizabeth, New Jersey in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-3. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Music Instrument Repairs for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-10) to K&S Music, Box 355, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey 07922 at a rate of $17.50 per hour not to exceed $13,000.
O-4. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Piano Tuning/Repairs for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-11) to Glenn Paulsen, 439 Washington Avenue, Suite 3A, Montclair, New Jersey 07042 at a rate of $40 per hour not to exceed $13,000.
O-5. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Musical Instruments for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-12) as follows: (a) K & S Music – $4,293.00; (b) WPS - $4,519.00; TOTAL BID - $ 8,812.00
O-6. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve discard of textbooks in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-7. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve advertisement for sale of equipment that is deemed no longer serviceable in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-8. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve submission of Application for Change of Use of Education Space for the 2012-2013 school year changing library office to a computer lab in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-9. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Grease Trap Maintenance for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-14) to State Industrial Products, Inc., 3100 Hamilton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio in an amount not to exceed $17,561.
O-10. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve use of Union High School parking lot, track, and district office outdoor bathrooms on September 15, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to 12 noon for Mayor’s Day 5K Race which is sponsored by the Union Township Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
O-11. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Fire Extinguisher Service/Inspections for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-15) to Simplex Grinnell, LP, 200 Forge Way, Rockaway, NJ 07866 in an amount not to exceed $18,248.25.
O-12. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Fire Alarm, Smoke Detector, Sprinklers Service/Inspection for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid #13-16) to Union Alarmtronics, One Jade Meadow Drive, Springfield, NJ 07081 in an amount not to exceed $7,920.
O-13. The committee recommends and I so move that the board award bid for Boiler/Burner Cleaning/Service and Repairs for the 2012-2013 school year (Bid # 13-17) to Silva’s Mechanical, 171 Midland Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032 in an amount to not to exceed $189,000.
O-14. The committee recommends and I so move that the board accept proposal to provide professional technical services for the 2012-2013 school year to Promedia Technology Services, Inc., 535 U.S. Highway 46 East, Little Falls, NJ 07424 at a rate of $140 per hour standard coverage and $200 per hour Overtime/Emergency/Holiday rate not to exceed 180 total hours in accordance with the information in hands of each board member.
1. Use of Burnet Middle School gym by Union Panthers
L. Personnel Committee
P-1. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve personnel action in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-2. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve hourly rates for the 2012-2013 year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-3. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board accept letters of resignation from the following staff: (a) Lauren A. Thomas, special education teacher at Union High School, effective July 1, 2012; (b) Jenica Martin, cafeteria/playground assistant, effective June 19, 2012; (c) Brian Chapman, special education teacher at Union High School, effective July 1, 2012; (d) Christine DiGena, teacher at Hannah Caldwell Elementary School, effective July 1, 2012
P-4. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve staff to conduct in house professional development during the 2012 - 2013 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-5. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend list of staff approved for payment who acted as monitors at Union High School Graduation at a rate of $58 per person: (a) Gayle Sumner; (b) Laurie DelGuercio; (c) Genevieve Reis and (d) James Mosser.
P-6. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Secondary Curriculum Writing Teams at a rate of $20 per hour not to exceed $300 per person in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-7. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve The Morris Union Jointure Commission to perform technology assessments at a rate of $305 per hour for the 2011-2012 school year in an amount not to exceed $610 (Acct No. 20-250-200-320-01-20).
P-8. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Dr. Isabel Detrizio Carotenuto to provide neurodevelopmental evaluations for the 2012-2013 school year at a rate of $375 per evaluation in an amount not to exceed $9,000 (Acct No. 11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-9. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve New Jersey Specialized Child Study Team (Katzenbach School for the Deaf) to provide evaluations for the 2012-2013 school year at a rate of $1750 (full evaluation package); $1350 (partial evaluation package); and $400 (individual evaluation) in an amount not to exceed $4,500 (Acct No. 11-000-219-320-01-19)
P-10. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Christopher Capodice and Karen Gainey for work during CAST Summer 2012 filming events at a rate of $40 per hour not to exceed 25 hours $1,000 per person.
P-11. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve staff to present K-5 Language Arts and Mathematics Parent Workshops during the 2012-2013 school year at a rate of $40 per hour not to exceed two hours or $80 per workshop in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-12. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve leaves for the following staff: (a) Roseanne Borges, mathematics teacher at Union High School, unpaid family leave for the period September 1 through October 15, 2012; (b) Shannon Durak, physical education teacher at Burnet Middle School, maternity and unpaid family leaves for the period September 1 through December 2, 2012; (c) Fatima DeCorte, guidance counselor at Union High School, for the period September 7, 2012 through January 1, 2013
P-13. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Mountain Lakes Board of Education, Lake Drive School, 10 Lake Drive, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046 to provide interpreting services for extracurricular activities for a district student who attends the Lake Drive Program for the Spring 2012 season in an amount not to exceed $1,520 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. These services are in accordance with student’s IEP and will be charged to Acct No. 20-250-200-320-01-20.
P-14. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Morris Union Jointure Commission (MUJC) to provide an aide for a student attending the MUJC’s Warren program from June 27, 2012 through June 30, 2013 in an amount not to exceed $72,450 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. These services are in accordance with the student’s IEP and will be charged to Acct No. 11-000-216-320-01-19.
P-15. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend list of General/Special Education Teachers, Speech/Language Specialists and Child Study Team Members to attend IEP meetings during the period July 2 through August 31, 2012 at a rate of $38.25 per hour to include Eric Churus.
P-16. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend reappointment list of Custodians, Maintainers and Full-Time Transportation Employees to include Glenn Boyd, second shift custodian at Connecticut Farms Elementary School; base salary $41,450 plus stipends in the amount of $2,346.
P-17. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board appoint Patricia Hoffman, Middle School Test Coordinator for the 2012-2013 school year at the annual stipend amount of $3,000 (pensionable). (Acct No. 11-130-100-101-03-54-0642/17096)
P-18. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board amend Salary Recommendation – Central Office for the 2012-2013 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member. (Bolded items are changes/additions)
P-19. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve employment contract for Kimberly Gentilcore, Manager of Human Resources for the 2012-2013 school year at an annual salary of $81,600 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-20. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve payment to staff for presentation of CPR/AED/EPI Pen training for bus drivers on June 22, 2012 at a rate of $40 per hour for five (5) hours, not to exceed $200 per person: (a) Shawn Paterno; (b) Lucille Williams and (c) Meg Berry.
P-21. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve payment to Gayle Sumner for presentation of CPR/AED/EPI Pen training for bus drivers on June 22, 2012 at a rate of $40 per hour for two (2) hours, not to exceed $80.
P-22. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board reappoint Nichol Sanchez, science teacher at Kawameeh Middle School for the 2012-2013 school year at Class IV, Step 3.
P-23. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve payment to Gayle Sumner in the amount of $58 for attendance at June 21st 2012 graduation ceremony at Union High School as extra nursing coverage due to weather in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-24. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board approve Teacher of the Deaf Services agreement with Union County Educational Services Commission for the 2012-2013 school year in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
P-25. The Superintendent recommends, the committee concurs and I so move that the board accept proposal for Insurance Brokerage Services for the 2012-2013 school year to Marquis Agency and Business & Governmental Insurance Agency, 900 Route 9 North, Woodbridge, NJ 07095 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
L. Grievance/Negotiations Committee
G-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve decision in connection with Grievance #HS 11-32 – Level III in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
G-2. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve decision in connection with Grievance #HS 12-1 – Level III in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
M. Legal/Residency Committee
L-1. The committee recommends and I so move that the board approve Stipulation of Settlement and Release of all Claims in the matter of R.C. v. Township of Union Public School District, et als., Docket No. UNN-L-4703-11 in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member.
N. Approval of Bills
The committee recommends and I so move that the board concur with the bills listed in the permanent bound register in accordance with the information in the hands of each board member and be ordered for payment.
O. Unfinished Business
P. New Business
Q. Comments from the Public
R. Adjournment ____________ p.m.